
Star group

The Star Work

Let’s now see how the work of the group that chooses to adopt the model of the six-pointed star (and seven vertices) as a tool takes place. A fundamental premise is that the participants have a certain knowledge of the 7 Rays and their qualities, and that they have sufficiently explored themselves in the light of this typological characterization. It is not necessary to know precisely ones own structure based on the Rays, but at the very least to have recognized in ones self the presence of certain characteristics that lean toward one Ray rather than another. Such self-perception allows the person to easily align themselves to the qualities that each function requires.

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Introduction on the Group in Star Formation

We are now on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, the age of groups: which means that not only will groups on the planet multiply, but that they will increasingly become the bearers of the flame of evolution. Therefore it becomes useful and necessary to discover new and more effective methods than what has been done so far to promote the formation of well-directed groups and to favor their rapid development, so that the Planet, so in need of union, can benefit from it as useful construction tools and of acceleration.

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