
Group psychic structure

Building Receptive Group Fields for Innovation

SGW is researching the building of receptive group fields for
innovation based on the following hypothesis:
• Life presents itself as a continuous, coherent, multi-dimensional and allencompassing electro-magnetic field imbued with intelligence
• Life manifests and expresses itself through an integrated and
interdependent system of relationships
• Resonance (harmonic oscillation) is the method by which connection,
communication, correspondence and co-creation occur between and among
the various aspects and levels of this Living Electro-Magnetic System

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Building Receptive Group Fields for Innovation

The creative group process of innovation is the art and science of bringing forth SOMETHING out of NOTHING.NOTHING is an unmanifested reality that needs the creative process for it to become SOMEHTHING. An IDEA begins as a NO THING and when translated into a design by the imagination and the concrete mind, it can then be manufactured and presented to the world as SOME THING. If we believe that for every problem and challenge in the world there is a solution, then the innovative group process can play a valuable role by attracting and capturing solutions (in the form of Living Ideas) and translating them into tangible and useful products and services that serve the needs of society.

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The Structure and Growth of a Group

With a group there are – we could say paradoxically – as many different definitions as there are human groups. We are therefore called to mark the boundaries of the type of group we want to deal
with here and to define its specific characteristics. From our perspective, a group is an ensemble of people that is united by an interest in the common ideal of existential improvement, both in terms of their individual consciousness and the wider one that involves other human beings and the collective life. It deals therefore with a group that finds the motivation of its existence in awork in of service of human to evolution. This type of group must meet a first requirement: that the inner orientation is unanimous and freely chosen by all participants. Where this requirement is fulfilled – and becomes the starting point towards the realization of common objectives – we witness the birth of a real “entity”. It is a new phenomenal reality, autonomous and endowed with its intrinsic vitality, which derives from the contributions of commitment and energy made available by the people who are part of it.

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The Group as the Foundation of the New Humanity

I have chosen to speak on this issue because I am part of a group that was founded in Italy, 40 years ago, a Community, the Community of Living Ethics. I have been living and working in this group for many years and therefore I have lived closely all the key events; its moments of achievement and those of crisis, the important passages, its internal and external expansions, the realization of its service. In this group, alongside the experience of building a concrete and visible group life through its many works, psychological, psycho-energetic and philosophical research has always been active. Thus, while the phases of the development of the group were ongoing, it was possible to observe and ‘read’ the process, understanding it in the light of a theoretical map: a map, which can offer a general value useful for other groups. Themes such as cooperation, safeguarding individuality in the group, leadership, decision-making, the resolution of conflicts, generational change, the death of the founder and his succession, and many others …

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Group Story

In order to talk about a group, there must be recognition by the participants of being part of a common group endeavor, and there must be a common purpose for the group. In our daily lives, we are part of many different group settings. A family is its own type of group. At work and in our spare time we may choose to be part of groups or teams of a lasting character and with a defined common objective. Often group members have mixed motives for their participating in a group. In the workplace, some people are there because they are passionate about the product being developed, while others just need to earn a living and have been lucky to get a job. In a board of directors of an association, some are there because they want to accomplish an altruistic work of some kind, while others want the power and status that comes with calling oneself a board member. A number of standards, conventions and rules that guide the work and output of these groups can also control them “from above”.

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