
Group Power

Building Receptive Group Fields for Innovation

SGW is researching the building of receptive group fields for
innovation based on the following hypothesis:
• Life presents itself as a continuous, coherent, multi-dimensional and allencompassing electro-magnetic field imbued with intelligence
• Life manifests and expresses itself through an integrated and
interdependent system of relationships
• Resonance (harmonic oscillation) is the method by which connection,
communication, correspondence and co-creation occur between and among
the various aspects and levels of this Living Electro-Magnetic System

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The Inspired Leader

An inspired leader is someone who:
1. Is Self-aware and understands the many aspects of this integral Self
2. Is aware of the impact that he/she has on others
a. Sees Self as inseparable from others and the world
b. Knows that her/his actions are causal and therefore affect the
larger field
c. Is present to both the inner and outer content and context
3. Cares about this ‘power to influence’ for the greater good
a. Is fully present for themselves, others and the need in the world
b. Is aligned with a higher purpose and the common good. Thinks,
speaks and acts strategically, systemically, and holistically.
c. Takes an expansive view of life and generates expansiveness in
d. Creates conditions whereby others can grow, develop and
express the ‘truth’ of themselves more fully: thereby showing
up as an agent and an instrument for healing and transformation
e. Acts with inherent goodness in thought, word and deed

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Group consciousness in business

It may seem strange to reflect on professional, organisational or business groups when thinking about group consciousness, but as we know, the overall progress of humanity is bound in the kaleidoscope of diversity and the progress made by each particle or subset. For this reason, it seems helpful to consider where these professional groups are headed in their consciousness and also what if anything spiritual groups can learn from them.

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Leadership and world affairs

The current world situation helps consider how the relationship between leadership and group is evolving, and whether leadership is still a prerogative of individuals. The form of such relationship currently most applied throughout the world is democracy with its multifaceted manifestations, sometime even in blatant contradiction. There are many evident limitations to this model, and it is impossible not to recognize that it is characterized by a form of use of force by the majority against the minority: the enforcement of the will of the majority on the will of the minority. This certainly creates an interesting creative dynamism, in some places similar to a pendulum, but at the same time it does also create scars and resentment which manifest, in best case scenarios, through reversal of policies, and in worst through discrimination, exclusion, arbitrary detentions, etc, i.e. violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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