
Group Laws

Seven Steps in Group Consciousness

We begin to put some seeds of thought in the field of our future co-creative gathering of Planet Within. They are seeds released in freedom, to attract other seeds, other inspirations, other contributions. Together, during Planet Within, we will find a way to unveil how Group Consciousness can be the gateway to the New Human Civilization. We know that the development of group consciousness is a response to a powerful evolutionary energy, defined as the law of elevation or as the law of group progress. This development is marking this time of the life of Humanity, and despite the contrasts and conflicts that characterize every new phase of crisis and learning of the human group, we can see how this process is renewing from within the whole system of human relations.

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Future Development

The work of the Star Group finds its initial point of inspiration in the words of the Tibetan Master about the Law of Group progress. This law – the Master writes – is destined to become a reference for the groups of the future. It “will take place automatically as the group identity and integration becomes the dominant thought in the group consciousness, and the desire for personal growth and spiritual satisfaction is relegated to a secondary place. This contemplated group unity will have its roots in group meditation, or in the contemplative life (in which the soul knows itself to be one with all souls).”

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The Group as a Magnet

A magnet is an attractor, that is, an element that can attract and be attracted. On the physical plane we find a very simple example in the magnet that attracts iron filings and places it within its own field of influence. On the psychic level each person acts, consciously or unconsciously as an attractor, that is, he attracts to himself what corresponds to his own profound nature, whether it be of other beings, of opportunities, or of obstacles. That of magnetism is therefore a phenomenon both physical and psychic, which operates automatically and is what makes our life what it is, with its sphere of relationships and events.

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Law of Group Endeavour

So far, mankind has progressed with transforming itself and the world through individuals who, either acting alone or guided by enlightened ones, intuitively grasped or expressed new ways of life.
In the coming Age of Aquarius, this process of renewal is necessarily accelerated and will be realized by aligning the activities of individuals within a group structure. This process occurs spontaneously on a physical and emotional level in the “family group”, on a mental level in some groups of co-workers and researchers, and on a spiritual level in some religious and monastic groups.

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