
Group Soul

5 Stages of Group Life

The initial phase of energizing the upper aspect of the Vertical alignment – attracting and connecting the group to the vision and designated purpose contained within the original inspriational ‘seed idea’ The focus on the lower aspect of the Vertical alignment to connect “spriti and matter” and activate the vision by clearly naming the ‘service offerings’ and by declaring the individual and group commitments required to meet these deliverables.

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The Group

With the word “group” we can understand various different things: certainly the first meaning that emerges is that of something that goes beyond an individual unit to include more people. But we can add another, which is that of a set of individuals connected to each other by a common purpose. And there is another one: more individuals with a common purpose, but also aware of wanting to give life, together, to a specific and particular collective experience that can lead, step by step, to the achievement of that goal. In fact, the first definition would be attributable more to a collection of people – to a more or less small or large crowd – than specifically to a group. An The actual group only begins when a number of people come together to pursue a common goal together.

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Group Story

In order to talk about a group, there must be recognition by the participants of being part of a common group endeavor, and there must be a common purpose for the group. In our daily lives, we are part of many different group settings. A family is its own type of group. At work and in our spare time we may choose to be part of groups or teams of a lasting character and with a defined common objective. Often group members have mixed motives for their participating in a group. In the workplace, some people are there because they are passionate about the product being developed, while others just need to earn a living and have been lucky to get a job. In a board of directors of an association, some are there because they want to accomplish an altruistic work of some kind, while others want the power and status that comes with calling oneself a board member. A number of standards, conventions and rules that guide the work and output of these groups can also control them “from above”.

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