
Sacred Planets

The Heavens as the Guide

The “Star” work naturally leads us to look up to the Sky to look at the stars and planets in the space in which our Planet is immersed. This makes us immediately aware that we are part of a vast
macrocosm. How can we not ask ourselves the question of how our Star as a microcosm relates to this macrocosm? What are the signs of Heaven that can guide us on the spiral of evolution? How can we cooperate with Heaven to make our contribution to the evolution of Humanity and the Earth? “Astrosophy” or the “Wisdom of the Stars”, aims to understand and interpret the meaning of what the Sky and the planets express according to the Law of Correspondence: “As Above, so below; as below so Above”. It also makes us understand that the SPACE is a constantly evolving living entity. Studying the harmony of the solar system, the type of energy that the planets spread, the rhythm with which they move around the Sun and relate to each other, gives us valuable information and insights for the Star work. Since this is a very broad theme, it is possible to touch on only a few themes in this booklet. The explanations that follow are therefore intended to be brief notes to give a basic idea of the opportunity that the knowledge of the Heavens represents for the work as a Star Group.

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