Resources - Group as Service

Exploring the visible and invisible aspects of group life and dynamics

Future Development

The work of the Star Group finds its initial point of inspiration in the words of the Tibetan Master about the Law of Group progress. This law – the Master writes – is destined to become a reference for the groups of the future. It “will take place automatically as the group identity and integration becomes the dominant thought in the group consciousness, and the desire for personal growth and spiritual satisfaction is relegated to a secondary place. This contemplated group unity will have its roots in group meditation, or in the contemplative life (in which the soul knows itself to be one with all souls).”

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The Group as a Magnet

A magnet is an attractor, that is, an element that can attract and be attracted. On the physical plane we find a very simple example in the magnet that attracts iron filings and places it within its own field of influence. On the psychic level each person acts, consciously or unconsciously as an attractor, that is, he attracts to himself what corresponds to his own profound nature, whether it be of other beings, of opportunities, or of obstacles. That of magnetism is therefore a phenomenon both physical and psychic, which operates automatically and is what makes our life what it is, with its sphere of relationships and events.

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Introduction on the Group in Star Formation

We are now on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius, the age of groups: which means that not only will groups on the planet multiply, but that they will increasingly become the bearers of the flame of evolution. Therefore it becomes useful and necessary to discover new and more effective methods than what has been done so far to promote the formation of well-directed groups and to favor their rapid development, so that the Planet, so in need of union, can benefit from it as useful construction tools and of acceleration.

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Individual and Group Synergy

The consciousness of humanity is shifting from a focus upon the individual to that of the group as the unit of evolution. Whether the group is as small as a pair of individuals or as large as a nation, the presence of active, mindful, and loving relationship creates an energetic space that reveals the underlying wholeness of the Sacred. The foundation of this shift in consciousness is one of an appreciation and honouring of the sovereignty and freedom of the individual as a source of will, choice, and love, and a deeper understanding of the group as an expression of synergy.

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