Resources - Dimensions of Group Life

The higher expression of group potential

Building Receptive Group Fields for Innovation

The creative group process of innovation is the art and science of bringing forth SOMETHING out of NOTHING.NOTHING is an unmanifested reality that needs the creative process for it to become SOMEHTHING. An IDEA begins as a NO THING and when translated into a design by the imagination and the concrete mind, it can then be manufactured and presented to the world as SOME THING. If we believe that for every problem and challenge in the world there is a solution, then the innovative group process can play a valuable role by attracting and capturing solutions (in the form of Living Ideas) and translating them into tangible and useful products and services that serve the needs of society.

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5 Stages of Group Life

The initial phase of energizing the upper aspect of the Vertical alignment – attracting and connecting the group to the vision and designated purpose contained within the original inspriational ‘seed idea’ The focus on the lower aspect of the Vertical alignment to connect “spriti and matter” and activate the vision by clearly naming the ‘service offerings’ and by declaring the individual and group commitments required to meet these deliverables.

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The Dynamics of Renewal

In order that organizational renewal can occur, two factors need to be in play at all times. These are:
• A compelling vision of the future
• An honest assessment of current reality
The gap between where the group wishes to be (vision) and where it finds itself today (current reality) causes a state of creative tension. As the necessary choices for positive change are made and committed to by the group, this dynamic of ‘creative tension’ is harnessed and can be utilized to help move thing forward to help realize the vision.

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Dynamics of Organizational Health

An airplane is a collection of integrated parts and systems traveling with structural integrity and velocity towards a chosen destination to fulfill a specific mission for the good of others propelled by powerful engines and guided by sophisticated navigational aids. An organization is a collection of diverse people joined together by a shared purpose and a commitment to work together who are journeying towards a preferred future to fulfill a specific mission for the good of others –propelled by an inspiring vision and guided by common values, experience, reliable processes and an inherent sense of what constitutes the right course.

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The Group

With the word “group” we can understand various different things: certainly the first meaning that emerges is that of something that goes beyond an individual unit to include more people. But we can add another, which is that of a set of individuals connected to each other by a common purpose. And there is another one: more individuals with a common purpose, but also aware of wanting to give life, together, to a specific and particular collective experience that can lead, step by step, to the achievement of that goal. In fact, the first definition would be attributable more to a collection of people – to a more or less small or large crowd – than specifically to a group. An The actual group only begins when a number of people come together to pursue a common goal together.

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The Group as an Evolutionary Possibility

Nowadays, from any perspective we look at the path of inner growth, we always meet the group as a space for development and as an instrument for expanding consciousness. Whatever theme we deal with, on whatever project we share, we always talk about the group. This is the real great theme that characterizes our times and that differentiates today’s inner research from that of the past. Today everything happens in a group; this fact can be explained through several factors:
– The group is the fundamental note of the Aquarian era
– The group can multiply forces and resources and therefore produce much more substantial effects and accelerate any development
– The group allows Those who guide us to save energy by creating an amplified transmission which in turn
– Through the group allows everyone, even those who would have difficulty walking a path of self-development on their own, to proceed and accelerate their evolution

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